Twitter is the most influential social media we have today. It is absolutely amazing platform for businesses, brands, celebrities and individuals, who want to connect with the world and tend to interact with like minded people. For businesses, twitter stands out to be exceptionally beneficial, in projecting services/products, connecting with the audience and mainly to interact with the customers directly.
Knowing Twitter more and being conscious of every single update would help marketers to enhance their marketing strategies. So, here are some most interesting and very useful Twitter statistics:
- Average monthly active users were 255 million as of March 31, 2014; with an increase of 25% year-over-year.
- In first quarter of 2014, Mobile monthly active users count reached 198 million, with an increase of 31% year-over-year representing 78% of total monthly active users.
- Timeline views reached 157 billion for the first quarter of 2014, an increase of 15% year-over-year.
- Advertising revenue per thousand timeline views reached $1.44 in the first quarter of 2014, an increase of 96% year-over-year.
- There are 982 million registered accounts, but there are only 241 million monthly active users
- Only 43.4 million users tweet more than once per day.
- At least 419 million users’ most recent tweet was more than a month ago.
- 44% of the 974 million existing Twitter accounts have never sent a tweet.
- Only 13% of the existing Twitter accounts have tweeted in the last 30 days.
- On average there are 700 YouTube video links shared on Twitter every minute.
- 77 of the Fortune Global 100 companies have at least one official corporate Twitter account.
- The average time per month spent by users on Twitter is 170 minutes.
- There are more than 20 million fake Twitter users on the platform.
- Tweets with 1-2 hashtags get 21% higher average engagement.
- Tweets with more than 3 hashtags get 17% less engagement.
- Twitter has the highest influence of electronic purchases than Facebook, online advertising, and search results.
- Grandparents Are the Fastest Growing Demographic on Twitter.
- 92% of top brands Tweet at least once daily.
- Tweets that include photos AND links receive 150% more engagement.
- 391 Million Twitter accounts have no followers
So, these were Twitter Statistics, aren’t they interesting?